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    Reference 3637 (1909)
    Category General Polar;
    Author Amundsen, Roald (Editor Klover, Gier)
    Title Cold Recall: Reflections of a Polar Explorer
    Publishing Information Oslo, Norway: The Fram Museum, 2009 9788282350037
    Description 1st Edition: Softcover, 253 pages, illustrated throughout. Cold Recall combines the complete texts of Roald Amundsen's lectures about his expeditions through the Northwest Passage and the South Pole with the original hand-coloured lantern slides he used to illustrate his lectures. Together they offer a unique insight into how Amundsen presented his expeditions when face to face with an international audience. They also provide the first pictorial account of his successful unlocking of the Northwest Passage and the expedition to the South Pole. Roald Amundsen's lecture tours and the money he made from publishing rights for his written accounts and expeditions photos were a very important source of income for both his own,and the expeditions' finances. In order to settle his accounts and fund further expeditions, Amundsen spent a great deal of time negotiating the tours and preparing the lectures. After the expedition to the South Pole, he held more than 175 lectures in Great Britain and the USA alone.
    Price £10.00
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