Polar Books Catalogue

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    Reference 584 (213)
    Category General Polar;
    Author Dyson, James L
    Publishing Information London: The Cresset Press,1963.
    Description 1st UK Edition; xvii, 292pp, xiii index, 1, 82 b/w photo plates, illustrated end papers, 2 charts, 3 maps. Red cloth with gilt titling to spine, half title page repaired at hinge. Ex Libris, seafarers education service library stamp on title page and 3 loan stamps on rear end paper, half title page taped at hinge to fep. Covers slightly grubby, spine faded, contents clean. Good. Spence 407. Grinding, ever moving, immensely powerful and tortured, the World of Ice is full of unsuspected life and hidden records of ancient deaths. Here is a new, fresh, and rich revelation of that supposedly familiar world. Cover faded and slightly stained. Contents clean. Good
    Price £9.00
    Keywords qpolarq, glaciers, drumlins, shelves, Alaska, Antarctica, Andes S1-Pol
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