Polar Books Catalogue

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    Reference 2233 (559)
    Category Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society;
    Author Various
    Title Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society: Vol LIII, 1945-47.
    Publishing Information Manchester: Manchester Geographical Society, 1947.
    Description 1st Edition thus; Wrappers as issued, [1 advertisement], 87pp, [1 advertisement], illustrated, b/w plates; Contents Include: Mr.W. Zimmerman - Colombia, Equador, Venezuela and The West Indies;W.Cross - The isle of Capri;Miss K. Qualtrough - History and Legend of The Isle of Man;The Manchester Geographical Society was one of the most important provincial geographical societies in Britain, in its heyday rivalling even the Royal Geographical Society of London. The Society was founded in 1884, stimulated by the commercial opportunities being created by the `opening up' of Africa. It has organised a lecture series throughout its history with many eminent explorers, scientists and philanthropists of the day. Its Journal began publication in 1885. The first issue included an article by H M Stanley. It ceased publication in 1960. Some staining,sunning, to covers, contents clean. Very Good.
    Price £5.00
    Keywords qpolarq, Colombia, Equador, Venezuela, West Indies,Capri, Isle of Man S1-JMGS
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